1 Member Pricing
For 1 member, choose any 1 program and get unlimited classes.
For one member, choose any two programs and get unlimited training in both.
For one member, get unlimited training in all of our programs every month.
2 Member Family Pricing
For 2 members, choose any 1 program and get unlimited classes.
For two members, choose any two programs and get unlimited training in both.
For two members, get unlimited training in all of our programs every month.
Whole Family Pricing
3 or more family members
For the whole family, choose any 1 program and get unlimited classes.
For the whole family, choose any two programs and get unlimited training in both.
For the whole family, get unlimited training in all of our programs every month.
Other Pricing & Discounts
We have partnered with the adopt of cop program to offer classes to LEOs for $50 /month. Application for scholarship is also available.
We offer 10% off for all veterans, law enforcement officers, fire, and EMS workers.
For those interested in only having a combat fitness membership, the cost is $60 per month.